About Us

A Few Words

About Us

The ADVANCED ARAB AUDIOVESTIBULAR ACADEMY (4A) is the Arab world’s professional organization of, by, and for audiologists. The active members are dedicated to providing quality hearing and vestibular care services through professional development, education, research, and increased public awareness of hearing and balance disorders, hearing aids, implantable devices, hearing assistive listening technology, rehabilitation and management.

Dr. Khalid A. Hadi,
Chairman of the Advanced Arab Academy of Audiovestibulogy

Our Vision

To be essential in the professional lives of audiologists and other related professionals such as Ear Nose and Throat specialists and Pediatricians by:

  • Advancing the science and practice of hearing and balance
  • Achieving public awareness for hearing health care
  • Maximize the role of audiologist in early identification, diagnosis, and auditory management
  • Promoting multi-disciplinary approach in management of hearing impairment (Audiologist, Otologist, Auditory Verbal Therapist, Pediatricians, and other professionals)

Our Mission

The 4A will be the main organization for professionals in hearing and balance in the Arab world, which will promote quality of hearing and balance care, the knowledge of hearing aids, implantable devices and rehabilitation through:

  • education and research
  • standardization, accreditation
  • regulation,
  • awareness, and
  • leadership, inspiration, guidance, and advocacy


These will lead to:

  1. develop and promote excellence in services for patients
  2. developing a driving force for improving quality standards, training, education, and accreditation
  3. promotes the profile of audiology and auditory rehabilitation as an autonomous profession and
  4. improve the public awareness and hearing health education

The Academy’s strategic plan sets the course to shape the future of the audiology profession. The Academy’s plan is a roadmap designed to take the profession to where it should go, a set of Preferred Futures

Promote Audiology
Ensure that audiologists are known as the preferred health‐care providers for hearing and balance wellness, auditory rehabilitation, hearing aids selection and fitting, implantable devices and assistive technology
Access to Services
Expand the availability and accessibility of hearing and balance care
Assistive Devices Accessibility
Expand the availability and accessibility of hearing aids and implantable devices
Education and Research
Establish and promote (exemplary) standards in the provision of hearing and balance wellness

4A Academy Board Members:

Dr. Khalid A. Hadi, Chairman

Dr. Mohammed Al-Masri, Jordan, General Secretary

Dr. Abdelhamid Bin Ghaleb, Morocco Member

Dr. Ali Faleh, Iraq Member

Dr. Elie Zir, Lebanon Member

Dr. Eman Ghorab, Egypt Member

Dr. Hussain Alkhamry Belkhair, Libya Member

Dr. Hussein Ali Ahmad, Kurdistan Member

Dr. Iman El-Danasoury, Egypt Member

Dr. Jamal Qasoomeh, Syria Member

Dr. Mazen Khabori, Oman Member

Dr. Micheal Raheel, Palestine Member

Dr. Muna Alzweri, Tunis Member

Dr. Murad Al Momani, Jordan Member

Dr. Mustafa Detssouli, Morocco Member.

Dr. Salem Omair, Libya Member

Dr. Samyah, Bahrain Member

Dr. Shaza Saleh, KSA Member

Dr. Tamim Al Ali, Kuwait Member

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